Category: AI Denial
Local Facebook Hero Incapable of Understanding AI’s Failure to Regurgitate Simple Facts About Western Early Music
SPRINGFIELD, IL — Local Facebook warrior and self-proclaimed “music historian” Greg Dawson has once again bravely taken to the comments section to demand an explanation for why artificial intelligence can’t accurately regurgitate simple facts about Western early music, despite its so-called “advanced learning capabilities.” Dawson, 54, a part-time landscaper and full-time spreader of unsolicited opinions,…
AI Can Now Outsmart Humans in Chess, Medicine, and Coding—But Jack from Facebook Demands It First Prove It Can Spell ‘Restaurant’ Without Help
MENLO PARK, CA—After a week of headlines touting artificial intelligence’s latest triumphs over human intelligence in chess, medicine, and software development, one skeptical Facebook commenter, Jack Wilkinson, 43, has stepped forward to demand an even greater test: spelling the word “restaurant” without autocorrect assistance. “Look, I don’t care if your fancy computer can find a…
This Just In: OpenAI Releases ChatGPT-4.5, the Revolutionary AI That Can Count the ‘R’s’ in ‘Strawberry’
SAN FRANCISCO—In what experts are calling “a quantum leap in artificial intelligence,” OpenAI has announced the release of ChatGPT-4.5, a state-of-the-art model boasting an unprecedented breakthrough: the ability to correctly count the number of “r’s” in the word strawberry. “This represents a paradigm shift in AI capabilities,” said OpenAI spokesperson Dana Caldwell during an emergency…